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Ready to analyse site SEO?

Hear me out. Don’t even THINK about PPC before you’re 100% confident that your website is fast, responsible, and error-free through an SEO audit

Then and only then is it time to revamp your website content based on keyword research. 

Once you’ve got your SEO ducks lined up, go ahead and start thinking about setting up a Google Ad campaign. 

Check website SEO before putting money on the table, and here’s why! 

analyse site seo with and SEO audit

What Data Does A Technical SEO Audit Give You?

Ever heard of a technical SEO audit? This type of SEO audit uncovers all the technical aspects of your website that could potentially affect your search engine visibility. 

Think of Google as a friend to its searchers, it wants to give the searcher the best result possible on the web, this means your site needs to be easy to navigate, fast to load, and free of technical errors. If not, Google will rank it lower, and in some cases, not at all!

If you hire an SEO consultant (you can contact us here for an SEO consultation), they will likely conduct a technical SEO audit which will give you any crawlability and indexing issues, site speed issues, or any core web vitals you’re lacking.

A technical SEO audit will also check the mobile-friendliness of your site, security and accessibility, and schema markup. 

analyse site seo with and SEO audit

Why You Should Analyse Site SEO Before Running Paid Ads 

Running paid ads to your website without taking the time to analyse site SEO first is like trying to carry water in a sieve, basically, a waste of money. 

Do an SEO analysis website audit first since this will allow your site to rank organically in the long term, rather than running a short-term PPC campaign where the traffic will fizzle out as soon as you stop. 

By investing in a SEO audit first you’re going to save yourself money in the long run. Yes, SEO takes more time to see results from but has a greater ROI. 

analyse site seo with and SEO audit

Website Content & Quality Score

Getting good website content and quality scores should be top of your list before considering any paid marketing strategies. It’s the best move you can make on the SEO chessboard.

A website content and quality score is given after an SEO page analysis or SEO audit. This will be rated according to the page’s UX, keywords, internal links, URLs, title tags, and intent. 

You want to make sure your ranking is as high as possible in terms of your website content so Google can push you higher in the search results organically and generate free traffic. 

This is why investing in a few pieces of SEO-optimized content can do your website wonders, especially for landing pages and product pages where you want to attract organic traffic. At Lunar Hub we offer SEO content writers specifically for SEO optimization as part of our tailored marketing strategies

analyse site seo with and SEO audit

UX Experience – Broken Links Are Expensive Mistakes 

Ever left a website because it loads too slowly or the link doesn’t work on the page? This is called bad UX, meaning user experience. If the UX on your site is poor, people are more likely to leave your site quickly, this means less sales. Google will also rank it lower. 

Broken links mean a link that doesn’t take you to the intended page it was meant to, making it difficult to navigate.

So, imagine paying out for a PPC campaign, only to realise your technical SEO is poor with broken links, people can’t click through to the purchase pages or delivery info. You always need to check website SEO first. 

Cluttered pages, poor mobile user friendliness, and inconsistent designs are all other examples of a poor UX experience. At Lunar Hub, we have dedicated web developers who can help revamp your landing pages or site to improve the UX and have better SEO.

analyse site seo with and SEO audit - increase sales

CRO Is Driven By SEO Audit Results 

Want to skip an SEO audit? Think again. Always make sure you analyse site SEO since it has a direct effect on your CRO, also known as conversion rate optimisation. 

Guessing where your site needs improvement doesn’t work, and this is why an SEO audit is so essential, it uncovers the cobwebs in your site that are holding your website back and making it rank poorly. 

Simply trying to improve content SEO and avoiding technical SEO doesn’t work and vice versa for the other. 

Conversion rate is the rate at which people are clicking through your site and purchasing a product, service, or even downloading something depending on your conversion goals.

Let’s say for example you have an e-commerce website that’s selling pet supplies, an SEO audit reveals that you have a poorly designed product page, a high bounce rate, and a high cart abandonment rate. 

This could be costing you thousands in sales, and without a proper SEO page analysis, you wouldn’t have known.

analyse site seo with and SEO audit

SEO Page Analysis – How Often Should You Check Performance?

With the Google algorithm changing all the time, especially in the SEO content department, you need to check website SEO at least once a month to stay ahead of your competitors and get the most out of your website. 

With a monthly SEO audit, you can review your website’s performance and see what’s working and what isn’t. Delaying an SEO audit for too long can have severe consequences on your website’s performance and ultimately your sales. 

At Lunar Hub, after an initial SEO consultation, we offer a monthly SEO audit as part of our SEO monthly retainer packages. 

Within these packages we also have web developers who can help to optimise your site and SEO content writers to optimise your website’s copy. 

You can contact us for an SEO consultation with our UK digital marketing team here

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