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On May 27th 2024, news broke that Google leaked search documents were now accessible online for everyone to read.

While Google is yet to make any comments on the leaked documentation, there is certainly a lot of information to unpack.

Reading through the Google leaked search documentation might feel overwhelming in all its entirety, so we’ve asked our SEO experts at Lunar Hub to do the hard work for you.

Below, you’ll find an easy-to-digest list of the key content marketing revelations – and it’s NOT what they’ve been telling us!


Google Leaked Search Documents 2024 - Explained

Google Leaked Search – Explained By An SEO Expert

Remember, this insight was NOT meant to be shared with the general public; it came directly from inside Google’s search division.

Google Claimed – Clicks & Search History Are Not Key Search Metrics

However, the leaked documentation completely contradicts this.

It states that it has its own system to analyse search intent.

Google also looks at in no particular order (as far as we know):

(A) Cookie history (the webpages you’ve previously visited)

(B) Pattern detection

(C) Automated click spam (no you can’t fake website traffic to boost performance)

(D) Click-through rate (how many users click on your website when they see it)

(E) Clicks on the page (are users clicking around on your webpage)

(F) Time on page (how long do people spend on your website)

(G) Historical search (what were they looking at before they found you)

Each ranking factor is considered before deciding whether a webpage/website is worthy of being ranked highly.

Basically, Google is watching you online and will show you what it ‘thinks’ you’re looking for.

Google Leaked Search Documentation 2024

How can you use the Google leaked search information to your advantage?

(1) Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Google is smart, they will know when you’re using AI copy and they’ll know when you’re trying to keyword stuff to get ahead.

When creating website copy or landing page copy, use high demand keywords and use naturally throughout the website copy.

(2) Page On Time Is A Game-Changer

Focus not on keyword-stuffing but on creating content that resonates with the reader, and most importantly keep you on the page for as long as possible.

Write something insightful, that triggers an emotional-response, that gets the reader really fired up and keen to read more. Rhetorical questions are a great way to enhance your copy for a lower bounce rate.

This will lead to a low bounce rate, which Google will see as a ‘green-flag’ and boost you higher in the search results.

Google Leaked Search Documents 2024 - Explained

(3) Think About Search Intent

When carrying out keyword research, don’t just look at relevant keywords that are related to your products and services. Think about search intent. Psychologically, what would your customer think of typing into Google to THEN be shown your webpage?

(4) Pay Attention to CTR (click-through-rate)

Page title and meta descriptions are extremely important.

> Do they clearly explain what the user will see when they click through to your webpage?

>Do they encourage the user to click through?

>Does the page title and meta description include the most relevant keywords/search terms?

Google Leaked Search Documents 2024 - Explained

(5) UX Design Is A Solid Investment

When you think about keeping people on your website for as long as possible, you can’t ignore the design of the web page. If the design is outdated, messy or boring – chances are you’ll have a high bounce rate.

Unfortunately, attention spam is at an all-time low thanks to TikTok and Reels, which means you’ll need to upgrade the look and feel of your website to keep people entertained while on your website.

White space is a good thing – don’t overcrowd a page with too many elements, text boxes or long text. It’s just dull and overwhelming.

Mix it up with images, videos and graphics to improve the look and feel.

Make it OBVIOUS on what to click on or how to navigate the site. Menus should be clear and intrinsic to use.

Google Leaked Search Documents 2024 - Explained

(6) Need For Speed – Fast Loading Sites Are Prioritised

If you website doesn’t load in micro-seconds, you’re missing out on traffic.

Check out your performance with Google’s FREE tool.

Google only prioritises websites that load instantly to provide users with a smooth, seamless experience above anything else.

Be honest.

>Does your website load instantly? If not – fix it NOW.

Google Leaked Search 2024

(7) Domain Authority & Backlinks Are Ranking Factors

They told us it didn’t matter – but it does.

Check your domain authority score for FREE here.

Why aren’t you ranking higher than a competitor? Well, have you taken a look at your domain authority recently?

Are you actively building valuable links back to your key product or service pages?

If your competitor is, and you’re not, you’re not giving yourself the best possible chance of ranking highly online.

Backlinks are gained through press release distribution, guest posting, and directories. Invest in your backlink strategy along with content marketing and SEO.

Google Leaked Search Documents 2024 - Explained

(8) Make Your Website CLICKABLE

Clicks are another Google ‘green-flag‘ according to the Google leaked search documentation. So, use this to your advantage by adding clickable elements to your landing page and web pages.

Think, clickable FAQs, clickable downloadables, clickable links to other blog posts or relevant pages on your website.

The more clicks you have on a page, the more Google will value your website as valuable.

To review how your clickable elements are performing use heat mapping technology such as Hotjar.

Google Leaked Search Documents 2024 - Explained

Invest In An SEO Consultant – Lunar Hub

If you’ve got to the end of this article – hats off to you!

You’re ready to invest in SEO strategy and you’re not playing around anymore!

To put your best foot forward, contact our team to find out more about hiring an SEO consultant.

Not sure what an SEO consultant is, or can do for your business? Read our latest article here: Can An SEO Consultant Increase Online Sales?

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